First Aid Training

First-Aid is an immediate care given to a suddenly sick or hurt patient until qualified expert arrives or patient to be taken to medical care. The most important chapter of life saving techniques either normally ignores or is taught without practical lessons. One should learn and rehearse skill of first aid regularly so that he / she could save a life when needed.

Objective of First Aid is to quickly treat a minor condition so that it does not, over time, become more serious. This applies to a cut finger that may later become infected as well as to a cardiovascular event that may eventually become terminal. With critical patients hold that the idea is to stabilize critical patients as quickly as possible, so you can safely move them to a well-equipped facility super-fast.

First aid & Safety Trainings are legal requirement too. In various OHS guidelines and Directive Principals, it is made mandatory where employers have to arrange for the immediate care of their staff if they become ill or suffer an injury at work and training of workers, responsible persons, etc.

“Initial and periodic first–aid training shall be imparted to all workers, responsible and authorised persons depending upon their nature of work and skill required for performing their duties. All first-aid personnel shall be imparted training including refresher courses by a qualified medical officer authorised for the purpose.”

first aid training
